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Gruppo Colle Srl

World leaders in the textile fiber dyeing sector, both staple and tops, for a few years the Colle Group has successfully entered the package dyeing sector.
In more than 70 years, tradition and innovation have formed a synergistic pact to achieve the highest quality. The passion for this work is the key to their success: an objective that the company pursues daily, with investments in technological research, the refinement of production processes and the constant training of staff.
The courage to change and the ability to adapt over time to the new needs that loom on the horizon are the daily challenge of the Group which considers manufacturing culture a value.
But the company goes beyond water and color. Inside the plant there is in fact the Materia Museum, not a traditional museum, but a tool to train environmental sensibility and a new way to communicate ethical, historical, artistic as well as technological contents. The structure that houses the museum and its external parts therefore also allow the story of the Bisenzio Valley and Prato in general to be told.


  • Address: Vai G. di Vittiro 3/5, Usella, Cantagallo

  • Municipality: Cantagallo (PO)