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Emergency and useful numbers

Carabinieri - Via Picasso, 30 -  Ph. 0574.7051; Emergency assistance ph. 112
Police headquarters - Via di Cino, 10/12 Ph. 0574.5555; Emergency assistance ph. 112
Police Station "Prato Centro" - Piazza Duomo, 36/37 Ph. 0574.555766
Trafic Police Station  - Piazza dei Macelli, 8 Ph. 0574.42391
Removed vehicles - Ph. 0574.42391;  800 300 316 - GSM Via del Purgatorio, 110b2 Ph. 0574.632974 (Cars can be collected from 24 hours a day. After 8 p.m. with extra charge).
Soccorso ACI (Breakdown service) - Ph. 803116
Fire Brigade - Ph. 112
Lost property office – Via Alighiero Ceri
Ph. 345.1256092 (Fri. 10 a.m.-1 p.m; Mon. and Wed. 3 p.m.-6 p.m.)


Nuovo Ospedale di Prato S. Stefano - Via Suor Niccolina Infermiera, 20
Ph. 0574.801111, 0574.801302, 0574.801303
Health emergency - Ph. 112

First-aid Station

Medical assistance service at night and on weekends, ph. 0573.454545

Chemist's shops open 24 hours a day in the town centre of Prato 

Farmacia Comunale 3  Piazza Mercatale, 147 Ph. 0574.30327
Farmacia Comunale 12  Via Cavour, 91/93 - Ph. 0574.27986