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Prato flavors you absolutely must know!

There is no doubt, if you love discovering the food and wine excellences of the places you are visiting, Prato will not disappoint you.

Tuscan cuisine is based on simple but high quality ingredients. A gastronomic tradition born with the Etruscans and evolved during the Renaissance period when it was habit for the nobles of the time to meet in convivial moments in which the creative flair of the best court chefs was enhanced by the use of refined products such as those imported from America. It is precisely from Tuscan cuisine that French cuisine originated, when Catherine de' Medici moved to France after her marriage to Henry II of Valois.

If you come to Tuscany you will return home with the memory of the flavors and aromas of our most traditional dishes. Also in Prato you will have a wide selection of dishes to choose from, both sweet and savory, there is something for all tastes, from the less elaborate ones to those with more complex preparation. Prato's cuisine is the result of traditions derived from simple dishes and linked to seasonal products, in which we try to waste as little as possible by using every edible part of the ingredients.
Among the most original dishes that we suggest you try are Prato style celery, a delicacy with laborious preparation, and two classics such as Bread Soup and Tomato Soup. The appetizers can only be based on liver toast and a cured meat with an intense flavor and a clear medieval style, Prato Mortadella, PGI and Slow Food presidium. Its particular flavor is unquestionably enhanced if eaten with slices of the classic Bozza, Prato bread without salt. Not to mention the renowned Fettunta, the toasted and lightly garlicky bread on which to taste the oil from our hills.

​Some preparations are linked to the seasonality of the products or local traditions. This is the case of Cabbage with slices of bread, to be made only during the period in which black cabbage blooms, of Bread with grapes, which is prepared only during the harvest period or of Castagnaccio, the typical winter dessert made from chestnut flour .

Among the first courses, don't forget to try the Potato Tortelli, typical of the Bisenzio Valley, good with the most different seasonings, from wild boar sauce to meat sauce, with mushrooms, tomato or simply with butter and sage.

At the end of the meal, it will be difficult to make a choice: the famous Prato peaches, almond biscuits, Carmignano amaretti or Vernio zuccherini will put your sweet tooth to the test. To ensure you don't miss a single one, ask for a saucer that collects them all!

A respectable lunch, dinner or aperitif must accompany the dishes with excellent quality wines. In Prato you are lucky, those from the Carmignano area, recognized and protected since the time of the Medici and the Pinot Noir of Bagnolo, will be the right pairings for the dishes you decide to taste.

And then all you have to do is choose from the many proposals of our expert restaurateurs for a tasty, appetizing and unforgettable experience. Enjoy your meal!