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Contemporary Prato

Few places in Italy and even in Europe can boast such an extraordinary contemporary artistic heritage as that of Prato and its province. This richness is largely due to the presence and influence of the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art, which has become a beacon in the attraction and development of the most innovative artistic research at an international level. The province of Prato is spread with numerous works of art perfectly integrated into the landscape and the soul of the places and people.

Prato's ability to house contemporary art is special, an innate vocation! It is above all the bond with the works of art en plein air that keeps the city in a cutting-edge position: just like yesterday, when it stood out in the production of innovative fabrics, today with the great works of art positioned in crucial points of the territory, as if to represent a completely new and engaging development reality.

Our journey to discover contemporary Prato could start right from the Pecci Centre, a museum and a garden that immediately capture the visitor's attention with its works. Then we would move to the areas surrounding the historic centre, around the city walls and in the very heart of the city, where strategic places such as the Campolmi complex, the Cathedral - which houses not only Renaissance masterpieces, but also works by Morris, Greco, Spagnulo - and the area around Piazza del Comune are enriched by suggestive sculptures. And we cannot fail to mention the symbol par excellence of contemporaneity in Prato, Moore's sculpture in San Marco Square.

Moving north along Piazza Ciardi, following the cycle path along the Bisenzio river and finally reaching Galceti, we will discover further surprises... But contemporary art is not limited to the city boundaries: we advise you to continue your discovery by heading north towards Luicciana and Montepiano in the Bisenzio Valley, following in the footsteps of Saetti, or to the south in the Montalbano area in Poggio a Caiano and Seano, in the footsteps of Soffici and Martini.

An artistic overdose experience for contemporary art lovers!

Prato and its art treasures - Video

