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Parish church of S. Pietro in Figline and Museum A journey through time between faith and art

The Parish Church of San Pietro, with its late 14th century frescoes and the nearby tabernacle of Sant'Anna, is the heart of the medieval village of Figline in Prato.

In 1902, the architect Ezio Cerpi carried out a restoration that returned the building to its ancient magnificence, following the dictates of the time. All post-Renaissance additions were eliminated and neo-Gothic elements were inserted, respecting the restoration theory of the time. Subsequently, in 1965-1967, Albino Secchi and Francesco Gurrieri conducted a further work, restoring the original authenticity of the building.

The exterior of the church has a majestic gabled façade, covered in alberese and enriched with inserts of green serpentine marble from Figline. The plan of the church follows the classic Latin cross layout, and the ceiling is characterized by imposing wooden trusses. The walls contain numerous frescoes from the 14th to the 16th century. In the ogival choir, fascinating fresco decorations created by Antonio di Miniato in the 1420s stand out, telling the stories of the life of the saint to whom the church is dedicated. The magnificent Crucifix that dominates the nave recalls the work by Ferdinando Tacca for the Prato Cathedral. Furthermore, since 2005, you can admire a splendid Resurrection, the work by the painter Shtanko, which adds a note of contemporary beauty to this sacred place.

Museum Museum

The Parish Museum, built based on a design by Gurrieri in 1973, is located in two rooms adjacent to the church. Inside the rooms, precious liturgical objects and artefacts found during the restoration work are displayed, offering a fascinating glimpse into local history. On the walls there are also works of Renaissance art, which further embellish this precious collection.

Visits by appointment.
