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Laura Tellini Computer Museum A plunge into the history of computing

Born in an educational context in 1996, on the initiative of the "Paolo Dagomari" State Technical Institute of Prato, the Museum grew first as a virtual collection on the web and then materialized, since 2011, in a permanent exhibition.
Collects calculation tools from the early 1900s to 1990, organized according to an educational path.

It's a real plunge into the history of information technology, computers and game consoles with which entire generations of people grew up. From the mechanical calculators of the early 1900s to the first and most famous Mac models, passing through the game consoles that made the history of gaming.
The aim of the Museum, managed by a voluntary organisation, is to spread the history of calculation, information technology and the men who were its protagonists through guided tours for school groups or simple enthusiasts, at pre-established openings or by booking an appointment.
