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Medici Stables

The Medicean stables are found at the beginning of the road that leads from Poggio a Caiano to Prato, at an elevation lower than that of the villa. The stables were built for Cosimo I around 1548 by Niccolò Pericoli, known as Tribolo. The building is quite large in size (about 3400 m2). The structure, in the form of a basilica, could house some 200 horses as well as the grooms who cared for them.
In 2000 the Scuderie (Stables) have been restored with great expertise and equipped for use as an exhibition and conference centre. The complex includes also a library and the Soffici Museum.


  • Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 9 - Poggio a Caiano (PO)

  • Accessibility for disabled: yes