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Terra di Prato Market The short supply chain market with excellent fresh food products

The Terra di Prato Market is the ideal place to buy genuine, zero-kilometre food products with an authentic flavour. With growing attention to the origin and quality of food, more and more consumers are looking for products that are the result of minimal and environmentally friendly production processes. Choosing products from short supply chains, purchased directly from producers, guarantees greater freshness, quality, traceability and environmental sustainability. Every Saturday, in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo, from 8 am to 1 pm, you can find a vast selection of freshly picked seasonal fruit and vegetables, expertly matured cheeses and artisanal cured meats that express the authentic taste of the territory, jams, honey, wine, oil , liquor, meat, fish, baked goods and more. To guarantee and protect the end user, a municipal regulation determines the main characteristics of the market, the products admitted and the requirements and methods of participation.

Traceability is guaranteed: get to know the faces of the producers and discover the story behind every food you buy.

The producers will be happy to share their passion for food with you; take advantage of the precious advice they have been dispensing to their loyal customers for many years.

For more information visit the website:
