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Meadow of the Sun and Geometric Garden of the Mill Discover the red enamelled metal sculpture that embodies the warming embrace of the Sun

The Garden of the Sun is an enchanting green space surrounded by trees, in the center of which stands the work donated by Bruno Saetti, a famous Bolognese artist (1902-1984). Saetti chose Montepiano as a place of inspiration and life, finding in the Casa del Mulino (Mill House) the ideal environment to develop his artistic maturity.

During his life, Saetti expressed his intention several times to donate that land to the Municipality of Vernio, so that it could become a public botanical garden. His desire was to offer citizens and visitors to the country a place of contemplation, serenity and harmony.

After his death, his wishes were respected and the area was fenced with chestnut poles and enriched with benches to allow for a pleasant rest. The main work represents a theme dear to the artist: the Sun, symbol of the "daily miracle of life" which marks our time and makes us reflect on something deeper. Saetti has given concrete form to this daily embrace that warms us, transforming it into a red enamelled metal sculpture.

The Garden of the Sun is a place that invites you to relax, reflect and enjoy art and nature in perfect harmony.


  • Montepiano Vernio (PO)

  • Opening time: always open

  • Ticket: free entrance

  • Phone: 0574 959648 - 931011